Aspire Academic Excellence Online Publishing Series

Use electronic media to conserve Reserves


Name: Dr.Susmita Banerjee
Designation: Lecturer
Research Interest:
Organizer's review:Reviewed manuscript


Prof.Sankar ghosal · June 13, 2010

It is realy a thought provoking paper A man is freeif he constantly thinks: I am a free soul. How can I be bound? I am a child of God, the king of kings , who can bind me?by thinking so, one really becomes free .

Shoba S · June 12, 2010

takes us into relaxation and awy from our stress.paper which is really worth

prabhakar.s · June 11, 2010

u may use Britannica book of 2009 or 2010 year book.

©Aspire Academic Excellence Online Publishing Series